Our District
The RCDTC is a non-regulatory, public agency providing conservation leadership through technical, financial, and educational support for voluntary stewardship of natural resources on public and private lands in our community.
The RCDTC supports local residents, landowners, agricultural producers, educators, and government agencies voluntarily address small and large scale natural resource needs. We facilitate land use decisions that are socially acceptable, ecologically sound, and economically feasible across the landscape.
The RCDTC serves all of Tehama County, covering 1,761,000 acres, except the cities of Tehama, Corning, and Red Bluff. Landscapes in the county include valley floor agricultural and urban uses, foothill grasslands and chaparral, scattered blue oak woodlands, mixed forest communities in the higher elevations, and the wildland-urban interface.
The RCDTC was formed in 1987 as a legal subdivision of the State of California, governed by Division Nine of the Public Resources Code, to conserve natural resources within its borders. The District is wholly funded by grants, donations, and contracts. It receives no general tax revenues.
Leadership and governance of the RCDTC's five-member volunteer Board of Directors appointed by the Tehama County Board of Supervisors. The Board of Directors is made up of local landowners with a diverse background and interests yet share their practice real-world experience in support of the RCDTC's mission. The roles of the Directors are to establish priorities and guidelines and oversee general operations. If you are interested in serving on the Board or serve as an Associate Direct, please contact our District Manager for more information. Day-to-day management of the RCDTC is conducted by a District Manager and the work of the RCDTC is performed by staff who all share a passion for conservation. See Board & Staff page for more information.