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About Us


Our Mission 

The mission of the Resource Conservation District of Tehama County (RCDTC) is to work with the community to manage, conserve, improve, and enjoy the natural resources of Tehama County.

Our District 

Who We Are

The RCDTC is a non-regulatory, public agency providing conservation leadership through technical, financial, and educational support for voluntary stewardship of natural resources on public and private lands in our community. In 2018, the RCDTC received the "District of the Year" award from the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts.

What We Do

The RCDTC supports local residents, landowners, agricultural producers, educators, and government agencies voluntarily address small and large scale natural resource needs. We facilitate land use decisions that are socially acceptable, ecologically sound, and economically feasible across the landscape.

Service Area

The RCDTC serves all of Tehama County, covering 1,761,000 acres, except the cities of Tehama, Corning, and Red Bluff. Landscapes in the county include valley floor agricultural and urban uses, foothill grasslands and chaparral, scattered blue oak woodlands, mixed forest communities in the higher elevations, and the wildland-urban interface.


The RCDTC was formed in 1987 as a legal subdivision of the State of California, governed by Division Nine of the Public Resources Code, to conserve natural resources within its borders. The District is wholly funded by grants, donations, and contracts. It receives no general tax revenues.


Leadership and governance of the RCDTC's seven-member volunteer Board of Directors appointed by the Tehama County Board of Supervisors. The Board of Directors is made up of local landowners with a diverse background and interests yet share their practice real-world experience in support of the RCDTC's mission. The roles of the Directors are to establish priorities and guidelines and oversee general operations. If you are interested in serving on the Board or serve as an Associate Direct, please contact our District Manager for more information. Day-to-day management of the RCDTC is conducted by a District Manager and the work of the RCDTC is performed by staff who all share a passion for conservation. See Board & Staff page for more information.


In 2018, the RCDTC received the District of the Year Award from the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD). This award is given to an RCD that is relevant, excellent, and visible in its community. We were honored to receive the award and have kept these principles at the forefront of our work. The RCDTC remains relevant by addressing multiple resource concerns in our community including water management, wildfire prevention, wildlife habitat restoration, carbon sequestration as well as soil and energy conservation and educational outreach. The RCDTC prides itself on excellence through its outstanding financial and operational management as well as project administration. The RCD maintains visibility through extensive community engagement. The 1,300 individuals reached annually through the RCDTC's outreach programs speak to our commitment to public education. Staff participation on a variety of county committees keeps the RCDTC connected with local decision-makers. Staff also attend or host multiple community events and meetings to connect with various segments of the community.

Our Story 

From the Beginning

Our story begins in the drought-stricken Dust Bowl era of the 1930's where poor land management lead to a period of severe dust storms throughout the plains of north america. The international disaster cause tremendous damage to agriculture and ecology. Thereafter, Congress recognized that soil conservation is critical and made erosion control the #1 priority for sustaining a healthy agricultural industry. The well-being of the country relied on it! As a result the Soil Conservation Service (now the Natural Resource Conservation Service or NRCS) was formed with local counterparts called Soil Conservation Districts--today's Resource Conservation Districts to serve as a liaison between local landowners and government agencies. Since that time, the NRCS and RCDs have maintained a close working relationship to conserve the natural resources throughout Tehama County.

Balanced Use of Natural Resources

The RCDTC applies the tragic lessons learned from the Dust Bowl era in supporting sound ecological practices across the local landscape: agricultural lands, riparian corridors, oak woodlands, chaparral, mixed forests, conifer forest, and timberlands under public and private ownership. There is much to consider when managing land. The RCDTC helps local landowners and citizens navigate water, air, forest, and soil needs for practical economic and ecologic outcomes. The RCDTC continues to grow and strenghten over time to meet the ever-changing conservation needs facing our community.