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Farms & Ranches

May contain: plant, grain, vegetable, produce, and food

Mobile Irrigation Lab

 The Mobile Irrigation Lab (MIL) is a free service that provides on-site evaluations of agricultural irrigation systems. The primary function of the MIL is to provide comprehensive reports to producers that detail how their irrigation system is performing that includes tips, suggestions, and recommendations based on data collected during the inspection. 2021 irrigation evaluations are starting soon! Sign up for the 2021 evaluation season by contacting Kevin Greer at or by calling (530) 727-1280. 

CDFA Healthy Soils Program

The RCDTC offers FREE application assistance to the CDFA Healthy Soils Program, which provides financial incentives to California growers and ranchers to implement conservation management practices that sequester carbon, reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs), and improve soil health. Applications are currently closed.

Irrigated Lands Compliance Assistance: STWEC

The Shasta-Tehama Watershed Coalition (or "STWEC") is a voluntary coalition of irrigators in the North State. For more information, please visit

Carbon Farming and Ranching

We offer Carbon Farm Planning through our non-profit, the Tehama Conservation Fund. See more information at

Wildlife Support

Agriculture can play a meaningful role in supporting wildlife and way-of-life in rural Tehama County. Conservation and restoration on working lands (orchards, row crops, vineyards, grazing lands, etc.) enhances ecosystem services within the food and farming system.