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Choosing the Right Wildfire Resilience Program: Fire Safe Councils, FIREWISE USA®, & Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network®

ProgramCalifornia Fire Safe Councils © (FSC)FIREWISE USA™Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network © (FAC Net)
SourceState InitiativeFederal InitiativeFederal Framework
Who Can Join? Residents, homeowners, HOA members, businesses, emergency personnel, etc. Residents, homeowners, HOA members, businesses, emergency personnel, etc.Residents, homeowners, HOA members, businesses, emergency personnel, etc.
Focus AreaHomes, communities and landscape level acreageHomes and community level scalePrimarily open spaces/communities
Assists WithAcquiring grant funding. 5-year Risk Assessment. Agency partnering. Community engagement and volunteer recruitment. Acquiring grant funding. 5-year Risk Assessment. 3-year action plans.  Community engagement and volunteer recruitment.Agency partnership.  Broad landscape/WUI stewardship. Community engagement and collaboration.
Benefits Supports protection of life, home and property. Recognized at the state level. Supports protection of life, home and property. Provides data for action plans. Potential insurance cost reduction. Opportunities to connect with other communities with the same goals. Access to extensive training resources via the <a href=""> Fire Learning Network </a>
Setup/Joining RequirementsBoard formation. Nonprofit establishment recommended. Wildfire Risk Assessment (usually completed by third party). Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). Board/committee formation. 2500 dwelling max. Community Risk Assessment (through HOA usually completed by local Fire Department). 3-year Action Plan. Open membership for those working on wildfire resilience at the community scale. 
Local Efforts<a href=""> Manton FSC </a>Mineral and Lake CaliforniaRCDTC
More Info<a href=" "> Find a CFSC </a><a href=""> FIREWISE USA ™</a><a href=""> Fire Adapted Learning Network </a>